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17th century
Dutch Smokers Cabinet

9 000 €

Atelier Garnier

17th century
An english cabinet circa 1690

75 000 €


17th century
An  Augsburg Jewelry casket

15 000 €


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The Cabinet in the 17th Century

Appearing in the Italian Renaissance, the cabinet is a very fashionable furniture item from the 17th century. Featuring prestigious interior and exterior ornamentation, it emphasises precious materials: hardwood (ebony, walnut, blackened pear wood, oak), tortoiseshell, ivory, hard stones, brass, tin, marquetry, embroidery, carvings, paintings... Most often imported from abroad (Italy, Germany, Flanders), the cabinet is a rare and sought-after piece of furniture. During the reign of Louis XIII, it is highly valued as furniture for jewels and precious objects.

The cabinet can come in two designs: either two stacked pieces forming one massive piece of furniture in the image of an armoire, or an upper part comprised of two doors and two small drawers, the entirety mounted on four legs in the form of two pillars or caryatids.