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19th century
The Milkmaid

13 000 €

Galerie Francesco De Rosa

Nineteenth-century objets d'art and furniture

The nineteenth century broke with the previous century and adopted more restrained designs. There was a fashion for rigour and monumentality. Exuberance was replaced by the majestic, and straight and simple lines. At the beginning of the century, the sources of inspiration were directly drawn from antiquity. The taste for Graeco-Roman art re-employed the ornamental repertoire of the times. The neoclassicism of the Empire era adopted antiquity as the moral example.

The aim was to highlight ‘le beau absolu’ (‘absolute beauty’) through balanced, restrained, and bold designs. Continental woods were used for furniture making: mahogany, walnut, cherry, and beech. The introduction of mass production simplified the decorative elements. Refinement was defined as the right balance between a desire for comfort and aesthetics.