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18th century
Directoire Clock

9 500 €

Galerie de Fontaine

Clocks, wall clocks, and pendulums

Since antiquity, man has always been fascinated by measuring time. The gnomon, sundial, clepsydra, and hourglass are just some examples ... there were a whole series of developments of ingenious processes until the emergence of ancient clockmaking in the Middle Ages. Over the centuries, clockmakers introduced dials, hands (initially only for the hours and later for the minutes), and an escapement. Clocks, pendulums, and cartels (French wall clocks) have always delighted those who love a combination of aestheticism and ingenuity.

Made from the finest materials and fitted with the most sophisticated mechanisms, these masterpieces became veritable objets d'art worthy of observation. Comprising Boulle marquetry, porcelain, chinoiseries, ceramics, enamel, and gilt bronze, these witnesses of passing time were adorned with prestigious ornamentation in perfect harmony with the various styles and epochs.