Offered by Igra Lignum
French Furniture and Art Pieces of the 18th century and Empire period
Sublime commode sauteuse without crossbar in veneer of rosewood, satinwood and violet wood stamped by Pierre I Roussel and marked with the mark of ownership of the castle of Châteauneuf-sur-Loire of Louis Jean Marie de Bourbon, Duke of Penthièvre (grandson of Louis XIV and grandfather of Louis-Philippe). Louis XV period.
The bronzes, original and not re-gilded, are of great originality and quality.
Our latest research tends to confirm that this magnificent chest of drawers used to furnish the Château de Rambouillet before being moved to Châteauneuf-sur-Loire, as claimed by Mr. Quéré and Mr. Serette in 2011.
Our chest of drawers is illustrated and precisely described on pages 53 and 54 of the book LES ROUSSEL, UNE DYNASTIE D'ÉBÉNISTES AU XVIIIE SIÈCLE by François Quéré published by Faton.
We thank Mr. François Quéré, author of the book dedicated to the Roussel and Mr. Renaud Serette (Referent collection of the Pôle Ouest, Direction de la Conservation des Monuments et des Collections) for their availability and research
Our chest of drawers was to be sold at Christie's, Paris, on June 25, 2008, lot 315. A last minute family arrangement allowed one of the undivided owners to keep the piece of furniture.
Delevery information :
A wooden box is made for each article. For especially fragile furniture pieces, we produce customized boxes.