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Walnut crossbow chest of drawers, Provence 18th century
Walnut crossbow chest of drawers, Provence 18th century - Furniture Style Louis XV Walnut crossbow chest of drawers, Provence 18th century - Walnut crossbow chest of drawers, Provence 18th century - Louis XV Antiquités - Walnut crossbow chest of drawers, Provence 18th century
Ref : 118268
3 200 €
Period :
18th century
Provenance :
Medium :
Walnut wood
Dimensions :
L. 54.72 inch X H. 35.04 inch X P. 28.74 inch
Furniture  - Walnut crossbow chest of drawers, Provence 18th century 18th century - Walnut crossbow chest of drawers, Provence 18th century Louis XV - Walnut crossbow chest of drawers, Provence 18th century Antiquités - Walnut crossbow chest of drawers, Provence 18th century
Antiquités Christophe Rochet

General antique dealer

+33 (0)6 14 60 14 72
Walnut crossbow chest of drawers, Provence 18th century

Walnut crossbow chest of drawers, opens with three drawers, scrolled legs, moulded sides and scalloped panels, Provençal origin, waxed finish, in very good condition.

Antiquités Christophe Rochet


Commode Louis XV