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Franco-Indian  Curule chair
Franco-Indian  Curule chair - Seating Style Restauration - Charles X Franco-Indian  Curule chair -
Ref : 65517
15 000 €   -   SALE PENDING
Period :
19th century
Provenance :
India, Pondicherry
Medium :
Dimensions :
l. 22.44 inch X H. 39.37 inch X P. 19.69 inch
Seating  - Franco-Indian  Curule chair
Arnaud Huppé-Chambon

Indian art, Italian furniture, item of curiosity.

+33 (0)6 12 05 24 18
Franco-Indian Curule chair

Curule Franco-Indian pondicherian chair in Rosewood carved chair, lotus flowers and leaves ornements, dominated by kirtimukka mask.
Two arms with yali's decoration.
Curule form of the seat, finishing for 4 foots lion's .

India, Pondichery, the end of 19th century.

H: 100 cm ; Larg: 57cm ; Prof : 50cm

Good condition, there is a french steeker" Don de M. Didelot ...1927 "
French private collection

Arnaud Huppé-Chambon


Fauteuil & Bergere Restauration - Charles X