Offered by Baptiste Jamez Fine Art
Antique French sterling silver vegetable dish server, Louis XVI style, richly decorated with laurels, pine cone-shaped hold, palms and leaves.
Paris, 1798-1809
Silversmith : Nicolas-Richard MASSON, named master in 1798
French marks :
- Body : "Maître-Orfèvre NRM, 1er Coq Paris 1er titre et garantie, tête de Sanglier 1er titre vendémiaire révolutionnaire".
- Lid : "1er Coq Paris 1er titre et garantie, trace de poinçon de maître".
- Bottom : "faisceau de licteur petite garantie".
Weight : 2,6 pounds
Museums and public collections :
Parisian silversmith in 44 quai des orfèvre, Masson received a large number of orders of ecclesiastical institutions. They are know listed as "Historic Monument", and are actually referenced in the General registry of Historic monuments. It is mainly about religious silversmith's trade realized for churches of Auvergne, Aquitaine, Burgundy, Brittany, Champagne-Ardenne, Hautes-Alpes, Haute-Normandie, Languedoc-Roussillon, Lorraine, Ile-de-France, and important institutions like the St. Peter's Cathedral in Beauvais, the Grand Seminaire in Saint Brieuc or the Sanctuary of Notre-Dame de Grâce in Rochefort.
. Musée National des Châteaux de Malmaison et de Bois-Préau – liturgical instruments of the chapelle of Emperor Napoleon in Saint-Hélène.
. Château de Fontainebleau – Silver chapel and its case, including pond, cruets, bell, chalice and paten.