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Anglo-Dutch chairs of the seventeenth century
Anglo-Dutch chairs of the seventeenth century - Seating Style Louis XIV Anglo-Dutch chairs of the seventeenth century - Anglo-Dutch chairs of the seventeenth century - Louis XIV Antiquités - Anglo-Dutch chairs of the seventeenth century
Ref : 118109
14 000 €
Period :
17th century
Provenance :
Medium :
Wood, silk
Dimensions :
l. 18.9 inch X H. 46.46 inch X P. 15.75 inch
Seating  - Anglo-Dutch chairs of the seventeenth century 17th century - Anglo-Dutch chairs of the seventeenth century Louis XIV - Anglo-Dutch chairs of the seventeenth century Antiquités - Anglo-Dutch chairs of the seventeenth century
Étienne de Roissart

Antiques & Works of Art

+32 (0)4 97 45 54 90
Anglo-Dutch chairs of the seventeenth century

A pair of late 17th-century Anglo-Dutch chairs that perfectly embody the refinement and opulence of Baroque furniture of the period. Crafted from dark-patinated carved walnut, they are distinguished by a tall, rectangular backrest, finely openworked with double caning, which brings both lightness and sophistication. The turned uprights are adorned with motifs that highlight the precision of the cabinetmaker's craftsmanship. The deep, cupped seat is covered in a beautiful emerald green silk brocade with damask floral patterns. The generously feather-filled cushions feature two floral boutons positioned at either end. The seat rail is adorned with an embroidered gold-thread passementerie. The turned and sculpted legs, connected by curved stretchers, add both stability and elegance. The gilded ornaments in the shape of shells, flowers, and acanthus leaves create a striking contrast with the dark walnut and emerald green upholstery.

Étienne de Roissart


Dining Chair Louis XIV