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18th century ornamental vase
18th century ornamental vase - Decorative Objects Style Louis XVI 18th century ornamental vase - 18th century ornamental vase - Louis XVI Antiquités - 18th century ornamental vase
Ref : 89798
6 800 €
Period :
18th century
Provenance :
Medium :
Steel , metal
Dimensions :
H. 24.02 inch
Decorative Objects  - 18th century ornamental vase 18th century - 18th century ornamental vase Louis XVI - 18th century ornamental vase Antiquités - 18th century ornamental vase
Isabelle Chalvignac

Furniture, objets d'art, curios

+33 (0)1 40 20 43 26
18th century ornamental vase

Vase with lid in painted steel faux granite, all sides, decorated with elements in gold varnished sheet metal: masks of women centered in a large frieze of interlacing, base foliage, base surrounded by a large beaded, handles in the form of dragons.
The lid is very richly surmounted by a large bouquet of flowers.
Base in red marble.

Rare element of decoration of Louis XVI period.
Origin Castel De Boulayes , Seine et Marne , France .
Dimensions base 25X25 cm Total height 61 cm , vase 55 cm

Isabelle Chalvignac


Bowl & Cassolettes Louis XVI