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Louis XVI chest of drawers in end grain wood, 18th century
Louis XVI chest of drawers in end grain wood, 18th century - Furniture Style Louis XVI Louis XVI chest of drawers in end grain wood, 18th century -
Ref : 66037
6 400 €
Period :
18th century
Medium :
Laburnum, walnut
Dimensions :
L. 51.18 inch X l. 23.23 inch X H. 31.89 inch
Furniture  - Louis XVI chest of drawers in end grain wood, 18th century
Igra Lignum

French Furniture and Art Pieces of the 18th century and Empire period

+41 79 694 09 04
Louis XVI chest of drawers in end grain wood, 18th century

Large chest with 3 drawers in end grain wood of the Louis XVI period.

Furniture in end grain wood is pretty rare and definitely exceptional, coming probably from the East of France. There is not so much information about this type of furniture.

Condition report: Restored in our workshop in December 2017.

Delevery information :

A wooden box is made for each article. For especially fragile furniture pieces, we produce customized boxes.

Igra Lignum

18th century
Small Transition style commode

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