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Louis XVI commode with Japanese Lacquer panels and marble top
Louis XVI commode with Japanese Lacquer panels and marble top - Furniture Style Louis XVI Louis XVI commode with Japanese Lacquer panels and marble top -
Ref : 118259
17 000 €
Period :
18th century
Dimensions :
l. 55.91 inch X H. 37.4 inch X P. 23.62 inch
Furniture  - Louis XVI commode with Japanese Lacquer panels and marble top
Daatselaar The Collection

General Antiques dealer

Louis XVI commode with Japanese Lacquer panels and marble top

A Louis Seize commode with in the center a large Japanese lacquer panel with the image of a phoenix in flight soaring over an oriental landscape with pagoda. This panel is flanked by two panels with each a round Japanese lacquer panels with flower and foliage decoration. These round panels are framed with bows executed in maple wood.

The phoenix is a mythological creature who, when it has reached the end of its lifecycle, will build itself a nest and set it aflame. Burning both the nest and itself. From the ashes a new young phoenix is born. The phoenix represents rebirth, transformation and strength.

Daatselaar The Collection


Commode Louis XVI