Offered by Galerie Tarantino
Circa 1450 - 1375 B.C.
Engraved seal of a mammal in front of a tree
Grey and white ochre agate
Restored chip
Longitudinally drilled
18 x 25 mm
Provenance: Private collection, South Germany in the 1980s
Then Rupert Wace, London
Then Coll. Part. Paris
Then Coll. J.J.C. France
This lot is accompanied by an Artloss Register certificate n. S00033224 dated February 22, 2010 and was verified by Interpol on 12/09/2023 at 4:48 pm.
Comparative bibliography: John Boardman, Greek gems and finger rings - Early Bronze Age to Late Classical, London 1970
This amygdaloid-shaped seal is engraved with a mammal lying in front of a stylized tree. Details of the joints are treated with a bouterolle. The choice of stone reflects an original taste for chromaticism and contrast between opaque and translucent areas.