Offered by Galerie Tarantino
Black-figure lekythos attributed to the painter of HaimonGreek art, Attica, 490 B.C.
Black-glazed orange clay with red and white paint highlights
H. 19 cm
A thermoluminescence test accompanies this vase.
Provenance: Dach Collection, Strasbourg (collection built up in the 60s and 70s)
The body of this perfume vase is decorated with the departure of a quadriga driven by a figure that may be identified with Dionysus, accompanied by a woman and a male figure. A column closes the composition on the right. Both the design and the treatment of the incised and painted details bear witness to the great freedom of execution typical of the last production of black-figure lekythoi. In fact, red-figure production was already widespread in the Greek world, but there was still a demand for the old, late technique. This vase is a typical example, particularly well preserved in the rich chromaticism conferred by the red and white paint highlights.