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The "Dionysian procession" gilt bronze vases
The "Dionysian procession" gilt bronze vases - Decorative Objects Style Louis-Philippe The "Dionysian procession" gilt bronze vases - The "Dionysian procession" gilt bronze vases - Louis-Philippe Antiquités - The "Dionysian procession" gilt bronze vases
Ref : 114114
5 900 €
Period :
19th century
Provenance :
Medium :
Gilt bronze and red marble
Dimensions :
H. 18.11 inch
Decorative Objects  - The "Dionysian procession" gilt bronze vases 19th century - The "Dionysian procession" gilt bronze vases Louis-Philippe - The "Dionysian procession" gilt bronze vases Antiquités - The "Dionysian procession" gilt bronze vases
L'Egide Antiques

Porcelain, Scuptures, paintings and european Fine Arts, 18th and 19th century

+ 32 25020493
+ 32 475432024
The "Dionysian procession" gilt bronze vases

Incredible pair of gilded bronze vases in the neo-classical style on red marble bases. Beautifully draped female figures dance around the vases, chased by satyrs. Superb work by the founder and very fine chasing. Rare objects. Attributed to Barbedienne, foundryman in Paris.

Dimensions: H 46cm

Paris, mid 19th century.

Lit: a dance around the vase between satyrs and maenads, they form the ‘Dionysian procession’, which accompanies the god Dionysus. They may also join forces with the god Pan.

Lit: Ferdinand Barbedienne was one of the most renowned bronzemakers of the 19th century. From 1860 to the 1890s Barbedienne, always keen to research new processes, experimented with new techniques in champlevé enamel and cloisonné enamel, which were very much in vogue at the time. When Collas died in 1859, the company was thriving in the field of monumental bronzes. Now alone at the head of the company, Barbedienne, unanimously recognised, played a leading role in the profession. Business picked up again after the 1870 war, and much of the company's production was exported. When Barbedienne died in 1892, the company was flourishing. The very high quality of his work enabled Barbedienne to take part in most of the Universal Exhibitions, where he was rewarded with numerous medals. In particular, he was awarded the Grande Médaille d'Honneur in Paris in 1855.

Delevery information :

to be agreed with the customer depending on the object and the place of destination.

L'Egide Antiques


Bowl & Cassolettes Louis-Philippe