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Cartel Transition of COLLOT in Paris
Cartel Transition of COLLOT in Paris - Horology Style Transition
Ref : 103005
15 000 €
Period :
18th century
Provenance :
Dimensions :
L. 18.5 inch X H. 50 inch X P. 10.24 inch
Cartel Transition of COLLOT in Paris

Large cartel and its base in vernis Martin with decorations of chinoiseries and gilded bronzes.
Parisian work of the Louis XV-Louis XVI transition period, mechanism signed by the master clockmaker COLLOT in Paris.
Box stamped J. JOLLAIN for Adrien-Jérome JOLLAIN master in 1763 (Specialist in clock boxes).

Galerie Theunissen & de Ghellinck


Cartel clock Transition

18th century
Cartel Transition of COLLOT in Paris
18th century
An important cartel clock circa 1765-75