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Cardeilhac - Chocolate pot in solid silver and vermeil
Cardeilhac - Chocolate pot in solid silver and vermeil - silverware & tableware Style Cardeilhac - Chocolate pot in solid silver and vermeil - Cardeilhac - Chocolate pot in solid silver and vermeil - Antiquités - Cardeilhac - Chocolate pot in solid silver and vermeil
Ref : 90222
Period :
20th century
Artist :
Cardeilhac Paris
Provenance :
Paris, France
Medium :
Solid silver, gold
Dimensions :
H. 10.04 inch
Weight :
0.804 Kg
silverware & tableware  - Cardeilhac - Chocolate pot in solid silver and vermeil 20th century - Cardeilhac - Chocolate pot in solid silver and vermeil  - Cardeilhac - Chocolate pot in solid silver and vermeil Antiquités - Cardeilhac - Chocolate pot in solid silver and vermeil
Baptiste Jamez Fine Arts

Fine arts and antiques

+33 (0) 6 62 59 77 70
Cardeilhac - Chocolate pot in solid silver and vermeil

Baluster-shaped chocolate pot in solid silver. The body and the lid are engraved with foliage, cartridges and foliage on amatis. It has a catch on a pivot allowing the moussoir to pass through. The handle is turned and carved wood. The chocolate maker rests on a pedestal engraved with foliage and decorated with a frieze of gadroons. Its interior is fully gilded.

• French "Minerve 1er titre" (for solidaire silver 950/1000).
• Goldsmith : AC a crowned cross of honor for Amélie CARDEILHAC.

Weight, 804 gr.


CARDEILHAC was founded by Antoine-Vital CARDEILHAC in 1804 who located the shop at 4 rue du Roule.
Producing pieces of varied styles but all remarkable by the delicacy of their design and the quality of their chiselling, CARDEILHAC quickly received many awards: bronze medal won at the Exposition de 1823, silver medals in 1827 and 1834.

From 1851 until 1885, his son Armand-Édouard CARDEILHAC run the company. It received a new silver medal at the Exposition Universelle de Paris in 1867, and a gold medal at the Exposition Universelle de 1878, which consecrated the prestigious Maison.

In 1885 his grandson, Ernest CARDEILHAC [1] became head of the company. Ernest completed his apprenticeship with the silversmith HARLEUX.
It was with Ernest CARDEILHAC that gold and silversmithing was introduced to the firm.
He organizes his workshops for this manufacture and buys the fund of the house LEBON.
Assisted by three artists, the draughtsman Lucien-Hugues BONVALLET [2], the sculptor Ernest AIGUIER and the chisel Frédéric VIAT, he presented his first works in 1889 at the Exposition Universelleand was awarded a silver medal. At the Exposition universelle de 1900he presided over the cutlery jury and achieved great success with pieces made with silver and materials such as wood, ivory and patinas.

Marie-Amélie CARDEILHAC, widow of Armand-Edouard CARDEILHACtook charge of the house before passing it on to her two sons, Jacques et Pierre.She run the company from 1904 till 1913 at 24 place Vendôme for manufacturing of platework and from 1904 till 1920 at 91 rue de Rivoli for silversmithing.

In 1951 the company merged with CHRISTOFLE.

[1] Paris, 1851 – Chatou, 1904.
[2] Paris, 1861; Paris, 1919. A former student of the École nationale des Arts décoratifs (1878-1885), he began by drawing industrial art. On the occasion of his collaboration with CARDEILHAC, he will renew the dinanderie by introducing the Art Nouveau aesthetics, which came from the observation of nature, while highlighting the material itself. Awarded the Legion of Honour, he was consecrated during his lifetime in 1913 with a retrospective exhibition of his entire work organized at the Musée des Arts décoratifs in Paris.


• PARIS, MUSÉE D'ORSAY, "Fontaine à thé", silver, ivory, Paris, 1894-1899. Designed for the Exposition universelle de 1900 in Paris.
• PARIS, MUSÉE D'ORSAY, "Cafetière", silver, ivory, Paris, 1894-1899. Designed for the Exposition universelle de 1900 in Paris.
• PARIS, MUSÉE D'ORSAY, "Théière", silver, ivory, Paris, 1894-1899. Designed for the Exposition universelle de 1900 in Paris.
• PARIS, MUSÉE D'ORSAY, "Théière", silver, ivory, Paris, 1894-1899. Designed for the Exposition universelle de 1900 in Paris.
• PARIS, MUSÉE D'ORSAY, "Huilier-vinaigrier", silver, crystal, Paris, 1894-1899.
• PARIS, MUSÉE D'ORSAY, "Boîte à poudre", gouache on paper, Paris, circa 1900.
• PARIS, MUSÉE D'ORSAY, "Coupe-papier", silver, Paris, circa 1900.
• PARIS, MUSÉE D'ORSAY, "Petite corbeille ovale Renaissance", silver, Paris, circa 1900.
• PARIS, MUSÉE D'ORSAY, "Chardons", silver, gold, ivory, Paris, before 1904.
• PARIS, MUSÉE D'ORSAY, "Coupe avec monture", silver, pâte de verre, Paris, 1905.
• PARIS, MUSÉE D'ORSAY, "Boutons (4)", silver, Paris, circa 1905.
• PARIS, MUSÉE DES ARTS DÉCORATIFS, "Bouton", silver, Paris, late 19th century or early 20th century.
• PARIS, MUSÉE DES ARTS DÉCORATIFS, "Monture de vase", silver, Paris, 1900.
• PARIS, MUSÉE DES ARTS DÉCORATIFS, "Vase", enamelled and flamed stoneware, silver, Paris, 1898-1900.
• PARIS, MUSÉE DES ARTS DÉCORATIFS, "Chocolatière avec moussoir", silver, ivory, boxwood, Paris, circa 1900. Presented at the Exposition universelle de 1900 in Paris.
• PARIS, MUSÉE DES ARTS DÉCORATIFS, "Boite à poudre", silver, ivory, Paris, circa 1900. Presented at the Exposition universelle de 1900 in Paris, then at the Universal Exposition of Saint Louis in 1904.
• PARIS, MUSÉE DES ARTS DÉCORATIFS, "Pot à eau et sa cuvette", silver, Paris, circa 1900.
• PARIS, MUSÉE DES ARTS DÉCORATIFS, CARDEILHAC Ernest, GALLÉ Émile, "Vase Africana", silver, glass, Paris, 1900-1901.
• PARIS, MUSÉE DES ARTS DÉCORATIFS, "Bol", gilded silver and flamed stoneware, Paris, circa 1902. Presented at the Exposition universelle de 1900 in Paris.
• PARIS, MUSÉE DES ARTS DÉCORATIFS, "Poêlon", silver, ivory, Paris, circa 1925.
• PARIS, MUSÉE DES ARTS DÉCORATIFS, "Assiette à bouillie", silver, Paris, circa 1925.
• PARIS, MUSÉE DES ARTS DÉCORATIFS, "Cuillère à bouillie", silver, ivory, Paris, circa 1925.
• PARIS, MUSÉE DES ARTS DÉCORATIFS, "Salières (2)", silver, lapis-lazuli, Paris, circa 1930.
• NANCY, MUSÉE DES BEAUX-ARTS, "Couteau Kosuka", gold and copper alloy (shakudo), Japan, 18th century, blade re-made in France by Cardeilhac.
• DIEPPE, MUSÉE DE DIEPPE, "Coupe quadrilobée", stoneware, silver, France, 1894-1898. Commissioned by Princess Élisabeth Hélène Bibesco, for a present to musician Camille Saint-Saëns following the performance of Africa in May 1898.
• NEW-YORK, METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ARTS, "Buckle", silver, Paris, ca. 1895.
• NEW-YORK, COOPER-HEWITT, SMITHSONIAN MUSEUM, "Palmier Fork", gilded silver, Paris, 1904.
• RICHMOND, VIRGINIA MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS, CARDEILHAC Ernest, GALLÉ Émile, "Vase", silver, pâte de verre, Paris, before 1904.
• CLEAVELAND, THE CEAVELAND MUSEUM OF ART, "Dessert knife and fork", steel, gilded silver, ivory, Paris, c. 1880.
• TOKYO, SUNTORY MUSEUM OF ART, CARDEILHAC Ernest, GALLÉ Émile, "Vase", gilded silver, pâte de verre, Paris, 1900. Presented at the Exposition universelle de 1900 in Paris.
• BERLIN, KUNSGEWERBE MUSEUM, "Schale mit silbernem Fuß", silver, stoneware, Paris, circa 1900. Presented at the Exposition universelle de 1900 in Parisand purchased by the museum.
• VIENNE, MUSEUM FÜRANGEWANDTEKUNST, Paris, circa 1900. Presented at the Exposition universelle de 1900 in Parisand purchased by the museum.
• COPENHAGUE, KUNST INDUSTRI MUSEET, Paris, circa 1900. Presented at the Exposition universelle de 1900 in Parisand purchased by the museum.
• COPENHAGUE, KUNST INDUSTRI MUSEET, CARDEILHAC Ernest and DAUM Jean-Antonin, "Glass mounted in sugar bowl", silver, pâte de verre, Paris, circa 1900. Presented at the Exposition universelle de 1900 in Parisand purchased by the museum.
• OSLO, NAJONALMUSEET, "Beltespenne", silver, Paris, 1895-1900.
• OSLO, NAJONALMUSEET, "Sjokoladekanne", silver, wood, Paris, ca. 1900.
• OSLO, NAJONALMUSEET, "Beaker", silver parcel gilt, Paris, ca. 1900.
• OSLO, NAJONALMUSEET, "Sukkerkopp", silver, ivory, Paris, ca. 1900.
• OSLO, NAJONALMUSEET, "Sukje", silver parcel gilt, ivory, Paris, ca. 1900.


• Exposition Universelle, Paris, Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais, 1900.
• Exposition universelle,Paris, Pavillon de l'Union Centrale des Arts Décoratifs, 1900.
• World's Fair, Saint Louis, 1904.
• Salon de la Société nationale des beaux-arts, Paris, Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais, 1905.
• Exposition d'œuvres de Lucien Bonvallet : cuivres, orfèvrerie, tapis, broderies, dessins, modèles, maquettes, Paris, Musée des Arts décoratifs, 1913.
• Exposition internationale des arts décoratifs et industriels modernes, Paris, April-October 1925.
• Les Années "25" : Art Déco / Bauhaus / Stijl / Esprit Nouveau, Paris, Musée des Arts décoratifs, 3 March-16 May 1966.
• Art nouveau, Tokyo, Magasin Seibu de Shibuya, 4 November-23 November 1968.
• Welt Kulturen und modern Kunst, XXe Olympiade, München, Haus der Kunst, 16 June-30 September1972.
• Art nouveau Belgium-France, Houston, The Institute for the Arts, Rice University ; Chicago, The Art Institute ; U.S.A., 1976.
• Émile Gallé, Tokyo, Galerie Mitsukoshi, 29 January-11 February 1980.
• Émile Gallé, Nagoya, Oriental Nakamura, 15-27 February 1980.
• Émile Gallé, Osaka, Gallery Mitsukoshi, 4-16 March 1980.
• Émile Gallé. Keramik, Glas une Möbel des Art Nouveau, Zürich, Museum Bellerive. 28 May-17 August 1980.
• Les Métiers de l'art. Formation Tradition Restauration Création, Paris, Musée des Arts décoratifs, 27 November1980-27 March 1981.
• 1900 en France, Tokyo, Art Gallery Mitsukoschi, 11-30 August 1981.
• 1900 en France, Osaka, Art Gallery Mitsukoshi, 8-20 September1981.
• 1900 en France, Sapporo, Museum of Modern Art, 26 September-24 October1981.
• 1900 en France, Okayama, 10-22 November1981.
• New Glass. Verriers français contemporains. Art et industrie, Paris, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, 1st April-5 July1982.
• Cent ans d'art du verre en France, Séoul (South Corea), Ho-Am Gallery, September-October 1986.
• De Manet à Matisse, 7 ans d'enrichissement au musée d'Orsay, Paris, Musée d'Orsay, France, 1990.
• Silver of a new area, international highlights of precious metalware from 1880 to 1940, Rotterdam, Museum Boymans van-Beuningen, 23 February-26 April1992.
• Silver of a new area, international highlights of precious metalware from 1880 to 1940, Ghent : Museum voor Sierkunst, 25 May-27 July1992.
• Rêves d'alcôves, la chambre au cours des siècles, Paris, Musée des Arts décoratifs, 10 January-30 April 1995
• De l'Impressionnisme à l'Art Nouveau, acquisitions du musée d'Orsay 1990-1996, Paris, Musée d'Orsay, 1996.
• Paris in the late 19th century, National Gallery of Canberra, Australia, 1996.
• Paris in the late 19th century, Brisbane, Queensland Art Gallery, Australia, 1997.
• Fleurs et ornements. "Ma racine est au fond des bois", Nancy, Musée de l'Ecole de Nancy, 24 April-26 July 1999.
• Art nouveau : Symbolismus und Jugendstil in Frankreich, Darmstadt, Institut Mathildenhöhe, 24 October 1999-13 February 2000.
• Art nouveau : Symbolismus und Jugendstil in Frankreich, Berlin : Bröhan-Museum, Landesmuseum für Jugendstil, Art Deco und Funktionalismus (1889-1939), 17 March-2 July 2000.
• Les collections céramiques, XVIe - XXe siècles. Faïences, porcelaines, et quelques autres produits de l'industrie céramique française, européenne et asiatique, Dieppe, Château-Musée de Dieppe, 12 February-29 May 2000. (N° 190 on the catalogue).
• Puiforcat Orfèvre, la maîtrise de l'argent, Tokyo, Metropolitan Teien Art Museum, 21 September-1st December 2002.
• Design d'en France, Pékin, Musée national de Chine, China, 2004.
• Design d'en France, Shanghai, Exhibition Center, Chine, 2004.
• Art Nouveau et industrie du luxe à Paris, Tokyo, Setagaya Art Museum, Japan, 2009.
• Art Nouveau et industrie du luxe à Paris, Nagasaki, Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum, Japan, 2009.
• Art Nouveau et industrie du luxe à Paris, Hiroshima, Prefectural Art Museum, Japan, 2010.
• Animal, Paris, Musée des Arts décoratifs, Galerie d'Études, 18 February 2010-30 November 2011.
• Christofle : Fantaisies d'art, Boulogne-Billancourt, Musée des années 30, France, 06 March 2012-06 September 2013.
• Au-delà de l'Impressionnisme : naissance de l'art moderne, Séoul, National Museum of Korea, Korea, Republicof, 2014.
• Déboutonner la mode, Paris, Les Arts Décoratifs, 10 February-19 July 2015.
• A Noble Family’s Silverware: The Naryshkin Mansion Treasure, Tsarskoïe Selo State Museum and Heritage Sit, 25 December 2019-23 March 2020.

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Baptiste Jamez Fine Arts


silverware & tableware