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English lacquered wooden chest from the end of the 18th century
English lacquered wooden chest from the end of the 18th century - Furniture Style English lacquered wooden chest from the end of the 18th century - English lacquered wooden chest from the end of the 18th century - Antiquités - English lacquered wooden chest from the end of the 18th century
Ref : 87574
5 900 €
Period :
18th century
Provenance :
Dimensions :
l. 46.06 inch X H. 34.65 inch X P. 26.77 inch
Furniture  - English lacquered wooden chest from the end of the 18th century 18th century - English lacquered wooden chest from the end of the 18th century  - English lacquered wooden chest from the end of the 18th century Antiquités - English lacquered wooden chest from the end of the 18th century
Ramón Portuondo

+34 609098905
English lacquered wooden chest from the end of the 18th century

English lacquered wood chest decorated with chineseeries from the end of the 18th century.
Mounted on a modern lacquered wooden leg.

Ramón Portuondo


Cabinet & Chest

<   16th century
Henri IV walnut cabinet with marble inlays
<   16th century
Cassone, Tuscany, 16th Century
18th century
Chinoiserie Cabinet, circa 1780
17th century
Baroque Italian Armoire