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Louis XVI period desk in mahogany,
Louis XVI period desk in mahogany, - Furniture Style Louis XVI Louis XVI period desk in mahogany, -
Ref : 86552
Period :
18th century
Dimensions :
L. 57.09 inch X l. 31.5 inch X H. 29.33 inch
Furniture  - Louis XVI period desk in mahogany, 18th century - Louis XVI period desk in mahogany,
Galerie de Crécy

French furniture of the 18th century

01 64 63 85 08
Louis XVI period desk in mahogany,

Louis XVI period desk in mahogany, speckled mahogany and mahogany veneer, opening with two large drawers in the belt, as well as two zippers on the sides. The top covered in leather with small irons. It rests on four tapered and fluted legs surmounted by rings and terminated by bronze shoes. Very good condition (the posterior leather) High. : 74.5 cm. Long. : 145 cm. Teacher. 80 cm.

Delevery information :

We deliver free of charge in the Paris region and in the provinces within a radius of 200km, beyond and worldwide, we ask for participation. Our workshop takes care of the packaging in accordance with the standards of the carriers and insurers.

Galerie de Crécy


Desk & Secretaire Louis XVI

18th century
Cylinder Desk Stamped Hubert Roux
18th century
Small Secretary Louis XVI Period
18th century
Cylinder bureau

25 000 €