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A collection of 45 ancient imperial Egyptian porphyry fragments
A collection of 45 ancient imperial Egyptian porphyry fragments - Ancient Art Style A collection of 45 ancient imperial Egyptian porphyry fragments -
Ref : 86546
Period :
BC to 10th century
Provenance :
Medium :
Imperial Egyptian Porphyry
Ancient Art  - A collection of 45 ancient imperial Egyptian porphyry fragments BC to 10th century - A collection of 45 ancient imperial Egyptian porphyry fragments
Antiques Prové

Period furniture and works of art from ancient times to the 19th century .

+32 495207546
A collection of 45 ancient imperial Egyptian porphyry fragments

A collection ( 45 p. ) of Ancient Imperial Egyptian Porphyry fragments found at Ostia Antica . From columns , flooring , cosmati ... Dating from the 2nd - 3rd century CE .
From a private Belgian collection in the 1930ties . Thence by descent .

Delevery information :

Transport can be arranged . .

Antiques Prové

<   16th century
Marble Cameo Tiberius

3 000 €

19th century

9 500 €


Ancient Art