Offered by Galerie Gabrielle Laroche
The sacred dance
Bronze sculpture
Valsuani Foundry
2 / 6
Height : 60.5 cm
Exhibitions :
- Exhibition of the plaster at Montmorency Gallery, Paris, december 1965
- Exhibition of the bronze, Pacitti Gallery, april – may 1968
- Exhibition Pacitti Gallery, april 1970
- Exhibition Maison Jansen, rue Royale, Paris, Spring 1987
- Exhibition Musée d’Issy-les-Moulineaux, april1989
- Exhibition, Hommage à Moirignot, Salon des Indépendants, Paris, april 2006
- Retrospective, Moirignot, Orangerie du Sénat, Paris, 2006 august – september
- Rimbaud Museum, Charleville-Mézières, october 2006
Bibliography :
- E. Cheneaux de Leyritz et Raymond Charmet, Edmond Moirignot, Les Cahiers des Arts n°220, Editions Pierre Cailler, Genève, 1965
- Claude Jeancolas, Moirignot, Editions du Saint Gothard, 1984
- C. Jeancolas, Moirignot, aimer, créer, rêver, Editions FVW, Paris, 2006
- Claude Jeancolas, Moirignot Catalogue raisonné, 2010, n°176.