Offered by Danièle Fontaine Antiquaire
French furniture & objets d'art from the 18th century
Transition commode in satine veneer, rosewood and kingwood assembled in geometric decorations.
It opens with 3 drawers with central projection. The rounded uprights end with curved legs adorned with bronze hooves, openwork and foliage.
The straight low cross with central apron is lined with its bronze lamp base.
The sides, the beautiful work of geometric marquetry, have a rear projection.
She is wearing her marble breche à ressauts called "Rouge de St Remy"
The windows are oak, we are on a Parisian work.
On our dresser, there are 2 stamps.
BON DURAND master in 1761 made the dresser, it is installed rue de Charenton and we know that he worked in particular for merchants cabinetmakers including Migeon, Genty ....
LECLERC is also located rue de Charenton but mainly produces seats and sells furniture. He had to buy at Bon Durand to certainly honor a particular order. It is always very interesting to understand the life of a piece of furniture !!!
Delevery information :
By specialized carrier for long distance.
By myself with a delivery package for shorter distances