Offered by Ouaiss Antiquités
Rectangular dance card in enamel gold. The gold panels are decorated with polychrome flower motifs on a background of opalescent enamel showing a fine work of guillochage.These motifs are framed by foliage leaves left in reserve on a background of translucent blue enamel. The notebook is closed with a gold pencil with a gold lead and a gold nib. Inside, some leaves are preserved and present an almanac in English.
Weight: 2,61 oz (74 gr.)
L: 2,95 in. (7,5cm) / l: 1,37 in. (3,5 cm)/ H: 0,39 in. (1 cm).
English hallmarks: lion's head, leopard.
Mark of the master goldsmith illegible.
Work of the mid-19th century.