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A Regence  18th c. ormolu-mounted amaranth commode
A Regence  18th c. ormolu-mounted amaranth commode - Furniture Style French Regence A Regence  18th c. ormolu-mounted amaranth commode - A Regence  18th c. ormolu-mounted amaranth commode - French Regence Antiquités - A Regence  18th c. ormolu-mounted amaranth commode
Ref : 59537
Period :
18th century
Artist :
Medium :
Dimensions :
l. 50 inch X H. 33.86 inch X P. 25.2 inch
Furniture  - A Regence  18th c. ormolu-mounted amaranth commode 18th century - A Regence  18th c. ormolu-mounted amaranth commode French Regence - A Regence  18th c. ormolu-mounted amaranth commode Antiquités - A Regence  18th c. ormolu-mounted amaranth commode
Galerie Nicolas Lenté

16th to 18th century furniture, paintings and works of art

+33 (0)6 64 42 84 66
A Regence 18th c. ormolu-mounted amaranth commode

The commode is composed of two short drawers above two long drawers.
The angles mounts with gilt bronzes in shape of female busts and pierced foliage, with figural scrolled handles, the lockplates with confronting female sphinx.
The Rouge royal marble top.
Stamped "FM" for Francois Mondon.
86 cm high, 127 cm wide, 64 cm deep.
Very good condition, all bronzes and locks original. With key.
Paris, Regency period, 18th century.

Galerie Nicolas Lenté



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