Offered by Antiquités Paul Azzopardi
Furniture and Decorative arts
Gilbert Galland (1870-1950) Fishermen in the Old Port of Marseille”.
Vieux Port de Marseille in the early 20th century by Gilbert Galland, official painter to the French Navy.
The work, in good condition, is in oil on wood panel, in a gilded stucco frame.
It depicts fishermen and their wives on the quayside of Marseille's Bassin du Carénage, a fine example of life around the port.
Paul Numa Gilbert Galland was born on February 25, 1870 in Lyon 5th, and died on August 14, 1950 in Saint-Eugène.
In Algiers in 1889, Gilbert Galland was a pupil of Hippolyte Dubois, a painter from Nantes who was director of the Beaux-Arts d'Alger from 1885 to 1909. He loved painting boats, ports and scenes of life. With his teacher, he was one of the founders of the Société des artistes orientalistes algériens in 1897. He exhibited at the Société des Beaux-Arts in Algiers and also in Paris, where he presented views of Brittany, Marseille, the Far East and Algeria.
Gilbert Galland was appointed painter to the French Navy in 1900. The same year, he took part in the decoration of Le Train bleu restaurant at the Gare de Lyon in Paris, with La Vallée du Rummel for the Tunisian salon, and Vue d'Alger for the Algerian salon.
With Maxime Noiré, he travels to Bou-Saâda, the oasis town nicknamed “The City of Happiness” or “Gateway to the Desert”, to record views in preparation for the Algerian diorama at the 1900 Universal Exhibition.
Gilbert Galland was awarded the Palmes académiques in 1901.
Works in public collections
Paris, Gare de Lyon, Le Train bleu restaurant: murals.
Salon de la Société des beaux-arts d'Alger
Salon des artistes français in Paris
1911: Salon d'Automne, Lyon
1900 Universal Exhibition