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For set of table 4 dinner in HAVILAND and St LOUIS Thistle gold
For set of table 4 dinner in HAVILAND and St LOUIS Thistle gold - silverware & tableware Style Art nouveau For set of table 4 dinner in HAVILAND and St LOUIS Thistle gold - For set of table 4 dinner in HAVILAND and St LOUIS Thistle gold - Art nouveau Antiquités - For set of table 4 dinner in HAVILAND and St LOUIS Thistle gold
Ref : 118214
9 850 €
Period :
20th century
Artist :
Saint louis, haviland limoges
Provenance :
Medium :
Crystal and procelain gold
silverware & tableware  - For set of table 4 dinner in HAVILAND and St LOUIS Thistle gold 20th century - For set of table 4 dinner in HAVILAND and St LOUIS Thistle gold Art nouveau - For set of table 4 dinner in HAVILAND and St LOUIS Thistle gold Antiquités - For set of table 4 dinner in HAVILAND and St LOUIS Thistle gold
Antiquités Biau

Specialist marquetry Boulle furniture

+33 (0)6 08 90 94 54
For set of table 4 dinner in HAVILAND and St LOUIS Thistle gold

porcelain is Haviland Limoges thistle model
in perfect condition
Crystal is Saint Louis Crystal thistle model

in perfect condition


2 dinner plates 24.5cm
1 big plate 26 cm
1 soup plates 24.5 cm
2 dessert plates 21 cm
1 tureen 32cmx21 haut
1 oval dish 35cmx27,5cm
1 round plat hollow 32cm
1 tea cup 7 cm h 9.5 cm diam
1 coffe cup 6 cm h 6 cm diam
1 litlle plate for cup 16 cm diam
1 creamer pot 7.5cm h 10 cm width
1 sugar pot 11cm 16.5 cm widtg
1 coffee pot 22 cm 22 cm width


2 roemers hock darck blue 20.8cm
1 hightball darck blue 9 cm
1 champagne glass flute darck blue 19cm
1 champagne glass flute 19 cm
1 champagne glass coupe 12.8 cm
2 water glasses 17.8 cm
2 burgoundy glasses 16.2cm
1 bordeaux glasses 14.2 cm
1 hightball large 14 cm
1 higtball medium 11.5cm
4 shooters 9.2cm
1 pitcher 25 cm
1 Open shaped cup 11.5 cm diam

1 vase balustre darck blue 31 cm
2 soliflores 18cm

It's possible to sell just 1 piece, please contacte me

It's possible to sell just 1 piece, please contacte me

Delevery information :

Delivery France and worldwide by specialized carriers.

Antiquités Biau


silverware & tableware