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18th C Old Master Painting Italian School  - Mary Madeleine Washing The Fee
18th C Old Master Painting Italian School  - Mary Madeleine Washing The Fee - Paintings & Drawings Style Louis XV 18th C Old Master Painting Italian School  - Mary Madeleine Washing The Fee - 18th C Old Master Painting Italian School  - Mary Madeleine Washing The Fee - Louis XV Antiquités - 18th C Old Master Painting Italian School  - Mary Madeleine Washing The Fee
Ref : 118158
3 750 €
Period :
18th century
Provenance :
Medium :
Oil on canvas
Paintings & Drawings  - 18th C Old Master Painting Italian School  - Mary Madeleine Washing The Fee 18th century - 18th C Old Master Painting Italian School  - Mary Madeleine Washing The Fee Louis XV - 18th C Old Master Painting Italian School  - Mary Madeleine Washing The Fee Antiquités - 18th C Old Master Painting Italian School  - Mary Madeleine Washing The Fee
White Rose Fine Art

Old Master paintings and drawings

18th C Old Master Painting Italian School - Mary Madeleine Washing The Fee

Italian School 18th Century

Mary Magdalen Washing Christ’s Feet

Oil on canvas, 28 x 36 cm (11 x 14.2 inch)

In an elaborately carved and gilded frame of Baroque design

This beautiful painting was probably painted by a painter of the Venetian school in the beginning of the 18th century. High quality painting, needs more research to determine the artist.

Very good condition, also the frame, and ready to display.

White Rose Fine Art


18th Century Oil Painting Louis XV