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Bear Coat Rack, Black Forest Late 19th Century
Bear Coat Rack, Black Forest Late 19th Century - Decorative Objects Style Bear Coat Rack, Black Forest Late 19th Century - Bear Coat Rack, Black Forest Late 19th Century - Antiquités - Bear Coat Rack, Black Forest Late 19th Century
Ref : 117800
5 200 €
Period :
19th century
Provenance :
Medium :
Carved wood
Dimensions :
l. 30.71 inch X H. 74.8 inch X P. 23.62 inch
Decorative Objects  - Bear Coat Rack, Black Forest Late 19th Century 19th century - Bear Coat Rack, Black Forest Late 19th Century  - Bear Coat Rack, Black Forest Late 19th Century Antiquités - Bear Coat Rack, Black Forest Late 19th Century
Robin Kowalski Antiques

Furniture & Objets d'Art

+32 495669393
Bear Coat Rack, Black Forest Late 19th Century

Very beautiful work from the Black Forest, late 19th century: the sculpture is of very high quality, the patina is remarkable, the bears have glass eyes.

Robin Kowalski Antiques


Decorative Objects

20th century
Pair of Marble Gaines
20th century
Pair of andirons

4 500 €

18th century
Pair of Fireplace Andirons