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A 19th Century Coat of Arms
A 19th Century Coat of Arms  - Paintings & Drawings Style A 19th Century Coat of Arms  - A 19th Century Coat of Arms  - Antiquités - A 19th Century Coat of Arms
Ref : 117594
6 850 €
Period :
<= 16th century
Provenance :
Southern Europe
Dimensions :
l. 46.85 inch X H. 55.91 inch X P. 1.57 inch
Paintings & Drawings  - A 19th Century Coat of Arms <= 16th century - A 19th Century Coat of Arms  - A 19th Century Coat of Arms Antiquités - A 19th Century Coat of Arms
Vagabond Antiques

Fine European antiques

+4474 25365899
A 19th Century Coat of Arms

A south european polychrome painted heraldic coat-of-arms

On canvas, each quarter inscribed above the device within a shield supported by lions rampant, with plumed knight’s helmet crest

The various devices represented with the quartered shied are as follows: the flaming heart is a motif employed to represent the sacred heart of Jesus, the sun glory and the eagle that of power.

Vagabond Antiques

18th century
Dutch school portrait, c.1800

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<   16th century
A 16th Century Statue Fragment

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Paintings & Drawings