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Crossbow Chest of Drawers Attributed to Carel
Crossbow Chest of Drawers Attributed to Carel - Furniture Style Louis XV Crossbow Chest of Drawers Attributed to Carel - Crossbow Chest of Drawers Attributed to Carel - Louis XV Antiquités - Crossbow Chest of Drawers Attributed to Carel
Ref : 117423
28 000 €
Period :
18th century
Provenance :
Medium :
Violet wood
Dimensions :
L. 56.69 inch X H. 34.65 inch X P. 26.38 inch
Furniture  - Crossbow Chest of Drawers Attributed to Carel 18th century - Crossbow Chest of Drawers Attributed to Carel Louis XV - Crossbow Chest of Drawers Attributed to Carel Antiquités - Crossbow Chest of Drawers Attributed to Carel
Galerie Gilles Linossier

Furniture and Art object of the 18th century

+33 (0)1 53 29 00 18
Crossbow Chest of Drawers Attributed to Carel

Violet wood chest of drawers with a crossbow front, and very pronounced curved sides, with a beautiful marquetry of upset curling in band surrounds. It opens on the front with three drawers in two rows with six gilt bronze keyholes (including one simulated) with the head of a spooky animal, shell and acanthus leaf. Four pretty falling handles in gilded bronze are distinguished by their finally chiseled and animated rosette.

Beautiful gilded bronze trim also by the apron with openwork decoration of shell, foliage and scrolls, by the falls decorated with frieze to the queen in medallion surrounded by acanthus leaves and shell, falling in a baguette up to the hooves enveloping shell and acanthus leaf.
Curved on all sides, it supports a royal red marble top.

Work from the beginning of the Louis XV period attributed to Jacques Philippe CAREL

Dimensions: H: 88 cm x W 144 cm x D 67 cm

Galerie Gilles Linossier


Commode Louis XV