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Large Italian Mortar, 18th Century
Large Italian Mortar, 18th Century - Collectibles Style Large Italian Mortar, 18th Century - Large Italian Mortar, 18th Century -
Ref : 117399
5 800 €
Period :
18th century
Provenance :
Medium :
Cast bronze
Dimensions :
H. 12.2 inch | Ø 13.39 inch
Collectibles  - Large Italian Mortar, 18th Century 18th century - Large Italian Mortar, 18th Century  - Large Italian Mortar, 18th Century
Galerie des Beaux Arts

Haute Epoque

+31 6 21 59 75 43
Large Italian Mortar, 18th Century

This remarkable Italian mortar, crafted with exceptional detail, is a rare and imposing piece of historical metalwork. With its grand size and intricate decorative elements, it is an outstanding example of Renaissance-era artistry.

Inscription: The upper frieze bears the Latin inscription: “Johannes Claude Songeon Anno Domine Spereaue Industria et Labore”, reflecting the craftsmanship and dedication behind its creation.

The large, uniquely shaped handles end in human mask motifs, adding an extraordinary touch of detail.

Features: The mortar is adorned with two richly decorated friezes and numerous appliqués, including:
- A lion symbolizing strength,
- A lobster,
- Various flowers and plants,
- A warrior, symbolizing protection and valor.

The intricate floral and figural decorations showcase the skilled artistry of Italian metalworkers of the period.

The mortar is in excellent antique condition, with a beautifully aged patina that enhances its historic and decorative appeal.

Galerie des Beaux Arts


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Large Italian Mortar, 18th Century
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