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18th Century Friulian Chest Of Drawers
18th Century Friulian Chest Of Drawers - Furniture Style Louis XV 18th Century Friulian Chest Of Drawers - 18th Century Friulian Chest Of Drawers - Louis XV
Ref : 117394
2 800 €
Period :
18th century
Provenance :
Medium :
Dimensions :
l. 53.94 inch X H. 39.37 inch X P. 23.62 inch
Furniture  - 18th Century Friulian Chest Of Drawers 18th century - 18th Century Friulian Chest Of Drawers
Riccardo Moneghini

Old Masters Paintings and Antique Furniture from the 16th to the 18th century

: +39 3488942414
18th Century Friulian Chest Of Drawers

An elegant and refined canterano from Friuli with a shaped front with four drawers moved centrally in an elegant manner from the beginning of the 18th century, measuring 100 x 137 x 60 cm, decorated with inlays of various interconnected walnut woods.

The incessant alternation of undulations underpins the framework of this marvellous and unusual piece of furniture. It is precisely the masterly quality of the carving, combined with details of refined cabinet-making, such as the skilful use of thuja wood on the sides or in the upper part that supports the fluid linear rhythm of the walnut surfaces, that accredits the geographical area as well as all the head woods that are also found inside the piece of furniture.

A very detailed chest of drawers that stands out for the elegance of its shapes, lines and imaginative execution.

The superb central movement, in the Veneto compositional style, is combined with the use of high-quality materials and a sturdy structure to create a uniqueness that is truly sui generis.

Also significant is the consonance of these types of decoration that are developed in a broad pattern, involving the entire front, sides and upper part of the cabinet.

The fact remains that this chest of drawers moved with a refined and constant decorative inlay is a great example of 18th century Italian cabinet-making.

Delevery information :

For shipping I always try to be as fast as possible, let's say 5 working days; for the price it always depends on where the artwork is going and we agree with the customer

Riccardo Moneghini


Commode Louis XV