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A 19th Century grand tour bronze of The Capitoline Antinous
A 19th Century grand tour bronze of The Capitoline Antinous - Sculpture Style A 19th Century grand tour bronze of The Capitoline Antinous - A 19th Century grand tour bronze of The Capitoline Antinous - Antiquités - A 19th Century grand tour bronze of The Capitoline Antinous
Ref : 117318
4 600 €
Period :
19th century
Provenance :
Dimensions :
l. 9.06 inch X H. 24.02 inch X P. 7.48 inch
Sculpture  - A 19th Century grand tour bronze of The Capitoline Antinous 19th century - A 19th Century grand tour bronze of The Capitoline Antinous  - A 19th Century grand tour bronze of The Capitoline Antinous Antiquités - A 19th Century grand tour bronze of The Capitoline Antinous
Vagabond Antiques

Fine European antiques

+4474 25365899
A 19th Century grand tour bronze of The Capitoline Antinous

A 19th Century grand tour bronze of The Capitoline Antinous after the antique, Italy, Naples, 19th Century.
Inscribed, 'Musee de Naples' to the base

Vagabond Antiques

18th century
Dutch school portrait, c.1800

8 450 €

<   16th century
A 16th Century Statue Fragment

3 450 €

18th century
A Louis XV Giltwood Mirror

8 450 €


Bronze Sculpture