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Large painted two handled earthenware jar, Neolithic Indian culture, China
Ref : 116980
3 800 €
Period :
BC to 10th century
Provenance :
Medium :
Dimensions :
H. 12.6 inch
W. Shanshan

Sculpture, ceramic, bronze, Asian art

+44 (0)2071268216
Large painted two handled earthenware jar, Neolithic Indian culture, China

Early bronze age, Xindian Culture (ca. 1600-1000 BC)

This large jar has two yoke scroll motifs on the surface, a unique indication of being from the Xindian culture of the learly Shang dynasty. There are also some aminal figures, most likely to be goats and deers, on top of the yokes. Around the rim there is a wide band composed of painted geometric lines represnting "cloud and thunder", classic decorations on early bronzes. The two large ‘ear’ handles are firmly attached to opposite sides of the rounded body. They are large enough to ensure the hands can properly hold them, so this jar is made to be hand-carried. The surface is partially burnished, leaving many scratching traces. The body shows uneven firing patterns similar to the Siwa culture pottery, which could also be reulted from being used for cooking. Xindian jars of such size and finely painted patterns are rare.

W. Shanshan


Asian Works of Art