Offered by Tora Tori
Ni-Mai do type, full armor, (tosei gussoku), the helmet (kabuto) hoshi suji bachi (visible rivets) with 62 slats. Signed inside the bowl but part of it is illegible. Tehen in gilded and chiseled copper. Maedate with demon head (oni) and gold lacquered wakidate. The mabizashi and the 5-slat shikoro are made of black lacquered iron. The menpo in brown lacquered iron and mustache is of the ressei type. The teeth are silver lacquered. The gorget (yodarekake) has 4 blades. The breastplate (do) is in 2 parts entirely laced in kebiki odoshi, as well as the sode and kusazuri of purple silk. The kote (sleeves) are made of iron mesh as are the haidate (thigh-high skirts). The suneate (greaves or shin guards) complete the armor. With an old storage box. Height with box 158 cm.