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19th century alabaster vase
19th century alabaster vase - Decorative Objects Style Restauration - Charles X 19th century alabaster vase -
Ref : 114898
5 000 €
Period :
19th century
Provenance :
Medium :
Dimensions :
H. 23.62 inch | Ø 8.27 inch
Decorative Objects  - 19th century alabaster vase 19th century - 19th century alabaster vase
Frédéric Brossy

+41 763991106
19th century alabaster vase

Beautiful alabaster vase richly decorated with bunches of grapes and vine leaves.
The front features a mask representing Bacchus,
The upper rim is decorated with gadroons.
The base is decorated with musical attributes.
Very fine craftsmanship.

Frédéric Brossy

<   16th century
Large 16th-century English refectory table

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17th century
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Bowl & Cassolettes Restauration - Charles X