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Corpus  Christi
Corpus  Christi - Religious Antiques Style Middle age Corpus  Christi - Corpus  Christi - Middle age Antiquités - Corpus  Christi
Ref : 112835
4 600 €
Period :
11th to 15th century
Dimensions :
H. 13.78 inch
Religious Antiques  - Corpus  Christi 11th to 15th century - Corpus  Christi Middle age - Corpus  Christi Antiquités - Corpus  Christi
Elmar Robert Medieval Art

Medieval art, works of art and ceramics

+ 49 173 2866764
Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi, possibly German, walnut, last quarter of the 15th century, with a crown of thorns, the head tilted towards Mary's side, with beautifully braided strands of hair, openwork, the loincloth curved very elegantly around the hips, four toes of the right foot missing. rests of polychromy. Height, without base 35 cm, with base 43 cm, span of the arms: 30 cm

Elmar Robert Medieval Art

<   16th century
Mary with the baby Jesus

27 500 €

Kneeling angel

12 500 €

<   16th century
retable figures from Antwerp retable

14 500 €


Religious Antiques