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A Louis XVI Child's Secretary, 18th Century
A Louis XVI Child's Secretary, 18th Century - Furniture Style Louis XVI A Louis XVI Child's Secretary, 18th Century - A Louis XVI Child's Secretary, 18th Century - Louis XVI Antiquités - A Louis XVI Child's Secretary, 18th Century
Ref : 109773
2 500 €
Period :
18th century
Provenance :
Paris, France
Medium :
Rosewood, amaranth, sycomore
Dimensions :
L. 19.29 inch X l. 9.84 inch X H. 29.13 inch
Furniture  - A Louis XVI Child's Secretary, 18th Century 18th century - A Louis XVI Child's Secretary, 18th Century Louis XVI - A Louis XVI Child's Secretary, 18th Century Antiquités - A Louis XVI Child's Secretary, 18th Century
Igra Lignum

French Furniture and Art Pieces of the 18th century and Empire period

+41 79 694 09 04
A Louis XVI Child's Secretary, 18th Century

Charmant secrétaire d'enfant en placage d'amarante et bois de rose.

Rapport de condition: restauré dans notre atelier en janvier 2024.

Provenance:  vente du 19 novembre 1999, drouot estimation, 21'000FF

Delevery information :

A wooden box is made for each article. For especially fragile furniture pieces, we produce customized boxes.

Igra Lignum

18th century
Small Transition style commode

2 900 €

19th century
Pair of Jacob stamped consoles

11 000 €


Desk & Secretaire Louis XVI

18th century
Cylinder Desk Stamped Hubert Roux
18th century
Small Secretary Louis XVI Period
18th century
Cylinder bureau

25 000 €