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Lois XVI firewall
Lois XVI firewall - Furniture Style Louis XVI
Ref : 107302
Period :
18th century
Artist :
Georges Jacob (1739 -1814 ), reçu maître le 4 sept
Provenance :
France, Paris
Dimensions :
L. 12.99 inch X l. 28.35 inch X H. 36.61 inch
Furniture  - Lois XVI firewall
Igra Lignum

French Furniture and Art Pieces of the 18th century and Empire period

+41 79 694 09 04
Lois XVI firewall

Louis XVI period lacquered beech mantel screen by Georges Jacob.

Fluted legs, decorated with acanthus leaves, pearls and ribbons.

Condition report: restored in our workshop in July 2023, fabrics changed by us with antique Lyonnaise silk (Louis XVI style silk made circa 1850). Perfect condition.

Delevery information :

A wooden box is made for each article. For especially fragile furniture pieces, we produce customized boxes.

Igra Lignum

18th century
Small Transition style commode

2 900 €

19th century
Pair of Jacob stamped consoles

11 000 €


Screen Louis XVI