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19th Century Skeleton Clock, "keyhole Frame" Model
19th Century Skeleton Clock, "keyhole Frame" Model  - Horology Style Restauration - Charles X 19th Century Skeleton Clock, "keyhole Frame" Model  - 19th Century Skeleton Clock, "keyhole Frame" Model  - Restauration - Charles X Antiquités - 19th Century Skeleton Clock, "keyhole Frame" Model
Ref : 104628
3 800 €
Period :
19th century
Provenance :
Medium :
Gilded brass, enameled dial, wooden base, glass dome
Dimensions :
l. 12.99 inch X H. 21.65 inch
Horology  - 19th Century Skeleton Clock, "keyhole Frame" Model 19th century - 19th Century Skeleton Clock, "keyhole Frame" Model Restauration - Charles X - 19th Century Skeleton Clock, "keyhole Frame" Model Antiquités - 19th Century Skeleton Clock, "keyhole Frame" Model
Galerie de Fontaine

Quality clocks & more

+33 (0)6 49 78 75 96
19th Century Skeleton Clock, "keyhole Frame" Model

Keyhole shape, these models are illustrated in the book by Derek Roberts: "Continental and American Skeleton Clocks", a reference in the field.
Just like ours, these clocks are from the 1830s/1840s and have a number of common points (narrow brass bar as a plate, knife edge suspension, shape of the fork of the escapement etc.)

The clock and its globe are in good condition, no lack or accident apart from a few hairlines on the dial.
Needs overhaul

You have the opportunity to acquire this beautiful XIXth century timepiece with a very modern line and which can adapt to any style of interior.

Delevery information :

Our long experience allows us to ship worldwide safely in custom made packaging.

Galerie de Fontaine

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Directoire Clock

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Mantel Clocks Restauration - Charles X