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Ondine - Albert Constant Desenfans (1845-1938)
Ref : 103939
12 500 €
Period :
19th century
Artist :
Albert Constant Desenfans (1845-1938)
Provenance :
Medium :
White Carrara marble
Dimensions :
L. 16.14 inch X l. 12.6 inch X H. 30.51 inch

Marble Sculptures from 1800 to 1950

+32 25126242
Ondine - Albert Constant Desenfans (1845-1938)

The present sculpture dated from the end of the 19th century, circa 1890, is representing the nymph or naiad Ondine. Unlike mermaids, nymphs do not frequent the sea, but running waters, rivers, fountains, and do not have a fish tail. In summer, they like to sit on the edge of fountains and comb their long hair with golden or ivory combs. They also like to bathe in waterfalls, ponds, and rivers on bright summer days. Those with golden hair are said to possess great treasures which they keep in their beautiful submerged palaces.

The supply of water to the fountains is said to come from the tears of the undines, which dry up as soon as a fairy feels offended. Thus, it is customary to leave various offerings near the fountains, such as flower garlands, pins or bottle shards, which are real treasures for the water fairies, glittering and shimmering in the water.

There is also a bronze sculpture, with the same measurements, just as fine, which equally bears witness to the phenomenal anatomical knowledge with Albert Desenfans sculpted this beautifull nymph. But how true to life and in what an original manner has reality been fused with imagination in marble here ! The suppleness with which the body trustingly inclines towards the water, the facial expression and the manner by which hands, the knee and feet are involved in the action, lend this sculpture a grace of particular serenity.

Artist :

Albert Desenfans (Genappe 1845- Eigenbrakel 1938) It was at the Brussels Academy, studying with professors Louis Jéhotte (1803-1884) and Eugène Simonis (1820- 1882) that Albert Desenfans received the training that would enable him to build up a brilliant career as an independent sculptor.

Starting in 1866 he exhibited regularly at countless Belgian and international salons, with religious, allegorical and mythological works – often based on designs by Xavier Mellery (1845-1921) – in addition to portraits. Major commissions came his way: large sculptures for public buildings (the City Hall, the King’s House or Broodhuis, the Palace of Justice in Brussels, the House of the Province of Liège).

In his smaller sculptures, executed in a variety of materials (stone, marble, plaster and ivory), his expertise, stylistic feeling and respect for a realistic depiction led to a remarkable degree of verisimilitude, the foremost trademark of his art. The work that probably most accounts for Albert Desenfans’ fame is his bronze statue of the stately General Chazal with a watchful lion at his feet.

Delevery information :

Deliveries are offered in Belgium and Northern France.
All other deliveries are subject to a charge.



Marble Sculpture