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Salon table from the Transition period
Salon table from the Transition period - Furniture Style Transition Salon table from the Transition period - Salon table from the Transition period - Transition Antiquités - Salon table from the Transition period
Ref : 102182
8 500 €
Period :
18th century
Medium :
Rosewood stained holly
Dimensions :
l. 19.29 inch X H. 28.35 inch X P. 14.76 inch
Furniture  - Salon table from the Transition period 18th century - Salon table from the Transition period Transition - Salon table from the Transition period
La Jurande

French furnitures and works of Art

+33 (0)6 75 88 19 79
06 33 09 10 22
Salon table from the Transition period

Small salon table in marquetry to the queen framed with green nets, and rosewood.
It rests on four cambered legs joined by a crotch shelf composed of a floral marquetry in a medallion.
Breche d'Alep marble top.
Gilded and chiseled bronzes

La Jurande

19th century
Large bronze clock Signed Lepaute

85 000 €

18th century
Louis XV table stamped BVRB

42 000 €


Table & Gueridon Transition