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Galerie Michel Giraud


Galerie Michel Giraud

35-37 rue de Seine
75006 Paris

+33 (0)6 07 41 18 97


PRESENTATION GALLERY : Galerie Michel Giraud

Since March 2001, Galerie Michel Giraud has been based on the 'Rive Gauche', in the heart of one of Paris's most renowned art districts. It is one of the most prestigious galleries showcasing Art Deco. Michel Giraud wanted to make his gallery a favourite spot for collectors. Although furniture has pride of place, with a selection of works by Ruhlmann, Printz and Sornay, no artistic discipline has been overlooked: in addition to the arts of fire, with ceramics and glassware, the gallery also exhibits sculpture and painting.

We have sought to enrich our approach with an ever deeper knowledge of the period we are presenting, by devoting our space and resources to artists who have been unfairly overlooked. With this in mind, Michel Giraud has chosen to produce his own art books, as an independent publisher, retracing the work of artists close to his heart through rich texts and unique iconographic documentation. In addition to major retrospectives, Michel Giraud has co-written and edited two books on the celebrated Art Deco sculptor Alfred Janniot, and the first monograph on the eminent ceramist Emile Decœur.


11am - 1pm / 2pm - 7pm
Tuesday to Saturday


  • 20th Century Decorative Arts


  • CNE
    Compagnie Nationale des Experts
  • SNA
    SNA Syndicat National des Antiquaires

New Arrivals by Galerie Michel Giraud

20th century
Hervé WAHLEN (Born in 1957) - Coupe
Hervé WAHLEN (Born in 1957) - Coupe

10 000 €

20th century
Jean PERZEL (1892-1986) - Floor Lamp
Jean PERZEL (1892-1986) - Floor Lamp

14 000 €

Catalogue | Galerie Michel Giraud