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BG Arts


BG Arts

38-40 rue Fessart
92100 Boulogne-Billancourt

+33 (0)6 84 09 87 34


My name is Benjamin Gastaud, I have been collecting Rene Lalique's glasses for 10 years and I am now one of the biggest collectors in Europe owing about 700 pieces.
A part of my personal collection is now on loan to the "Musee Lalique" in Wingen-Sur-Moder (Alsace) including Cires Perdues (lost wax), bronzes and glass pieces for its permanent exhibition. Each year I participate in specific temporary exhibitions. I also frequently lend to "Musee International de la Parfumerie" in Grasse (South of France) and to Ay? in Champagne - the city where Rene? Lalique was born in 1860.
When I began my collection 10 years ago, some dealers sold me pieces which were not in their original condition having been polished or restored without having informed me of their action. Consequently I have been running a Gallery for 6 years to give collectors the opportunity to buy glass works of art with confidence knowing there are no restorations, polishing, cut rims, drilled holes on the bottoms or sides. When I buy something for the Gallery I always make the purchase as a collector and not as a dealer : my main concern is quality, the relevance of the piece and its interest within a collection.
Thanks to this policy, I work with private collectors, dealers, institutions and museums all over the world. Auction houses refer to me for condition and estimate reports.
In 2019, I passed the exam of CNES (Chambre Nationale des Experts Spe?cialise?s) - international recognized art experts association.


  • Glassware


  • CNES
    Chambre Nationale des Experts Spécialisés en Objets d'Art et de Collection

New Arrivals by BG Arts

20th century
1930 René Lalique - Bowl Elephant
1930 René Lalique - Bowl Elephant

22 500 €

Catalogue | BG Arts