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Generalist Antique dealer or Specialist in Fine pieces of 18th century french furniture, Gilder, porcelain or oil paintings restoration…
Find a specialist with anticstore's directory, French antique dealers are displaying their products for sale on anticstore : Visit their galleries.

Antique dealers, Galleries, ...

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Antiquités Philippe Glédel

18th Furniture, country french furniture

Antiquités Philippe Glédel
Ouaiss Antiquités

collectibles and object of vertu

Ouaiss Antiquités

French 17th & 18th centuries furniture and Arts

Antiquités Thierry Martin

Furniture Port, crystal chandeliers

Antiquités Thierry Martin
Galerie Wanecq

French 18th Century Furniture and works of art

Galerie Wanecq
Méounes Antiquités

Selection of furniture from the 16th to the 19th century

Méounes Antiquités
Antiquités Art Nouveau

Furniture and works of art Art Nnouveau

Antiquités Art Nouveau
Cavagnis Lacerenza

Ancient art, European sculpture and works of art

Cavagnis Lacerenza
Danièle Fontaine Antiquaire

French furniture & objets d'art from the 18th century

Danièle Fontaine Antiquaire
Bertrand de Lavergne

Chinese porcelain, Snuff Bottles and works of art

Bertrand de Lavergne
Don Verboven - Exquisite Objects

Exquisite Objects & Medieval works of Art

Don Verboven - Exquisite Objects
Galerie Puch

European Sculpture, Russian and Greek icons

Galerie Puch
Franck Anelli Fine Art

Paintings and 18th century furniture

Franck Anelli Fine Art
Galerie Eric Beaumont

Flemish and French paintings from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries.

Galerie Eric Beaumont
Antiquités Bertrand Klein

Old and Alsatian furniture and paintings

Antiquités Bertrand Klein
Castellino Fine Arts

Furniture and works of art

Castellino Fine Arts
Franck Baptiste Provence

French Regional and Parisian furniture

Franck Baptiste Provence
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